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Competition does not complete You - Audience Connect

Do what you can, where you can because only you can do it exactly how you can do it.

Competition distract you, it finds you when you are focused on something and move you from your Position and if you are not carefully you will end up doing something that you don't enjoy because you want to compete. Focus on what you do, invest your time on what you do, what you always wanted to do. don't let anyone's success move you from what you do, because you can also succeed from what you do.

Competition makes you think there's only one way to success, where-else there are many if we would all focus on what we want to do.

Compete with yourself, always aim to improve your yesterday. You can be the same person as yesterday but don't produce the same yesterday work. remember there's always room for improvement.

Some people are good at what they do, they excel but they don't know where they are going with their talent. To avoid competing, find your destination first. Think about it always whenever you are working on that business, work or anything you would to accomplish.

One thing i am sure about is that there's a destination for every journey and as long you are on the journey of your success, some will pass you by, don;t compete with them! keep the pacing and the good work because you are not going to the same destination.

Don't compete! Because Competition doesn't complete you.
