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Showing posts with the label Motivation

Tubebuddy Title Generator: Boost Your YouTube Success with Engaging Video Titles

Competition does not complete You - Audience Connect

Do what you can, where you can because only you can do it exactly how you can do it. Competition distract you, it finds you when you are focused on something and move you from your Position and if you are not carefully you will end up doing something that you don't enjoy because you want to compete. Focus on what you do, invest your time on what you do, what you always wanted to do. don't let anyone's success move you from what you do, because you can also succeed from what you do. Competition makes you think there's only one way to success, where-else there are many if we would all focus on what we want to do. Compete with yourself, always aim to improve your yesterday. You can be the same person as yesterday but don't produce the same yesterday work. remember there's always room for improvement. Some people are good at what they do, they excel but they don't know where they are going with their talent. To avoid competing, find your destination fi...

Grow Your Audience in 2022 - Audience Connect

When you are in the business, your focus should be on growing your audience more than anything else. because your audience is your business. One of the effective ways to grow your audience is by engaging with them using relevant content/ products or services. hashtag # focus hashtag # audience hashtag # business hashtag # grow hashtag # growing

7 Characteristics of Happy Employees

Everyone is an employee, whether you are your own boss, self-employed, public or private employed. Here are 7 characteristics to help you stay a happy employee. 1. Respect Respect Your Work Respect Your Colleagues Respect Your time invested in your work 2. Lead Lead By Your work Take lead in your tasks. Be in charge. Be Responsible and accountable. 3. Feedback Ask for feedback from your clients/customers after you have provided them with the solution they required. Look back at what you have done and take notes on where and how to improve Action the Feedback received. 4.Approachable Be approachable, be open. Have the open door policy Make people understand what you do and what you require to complete your job. Be open to ideas and correction. 5. Independent Be an expert at what you do. Collect enough resources you need to complete your work Don't leave a gap 6. Promote and Encourage Promote Yourself before you ...

Focus on the mission not the Position

Everyone can be positioned but only a few complete their missions. You cannot complete your mission without being in the right position when i say position i am not talking about titles, but where you have been placed to do the work. a  lot of times our work is influenced by the place you are in, the state of mind you are in, the people you have surrounded yourself with. Are you in the right position to do your work? Are you in the position for the mission? Focus on the mission and you will remain on your position. While you are focusing on the mission, the mission focuses you on the position. the mission keeps you stable. Don't fight to be in the position, look for the mission. The mission pushes you to do more while the position put you to stay long. #IAMTheMission

Why Motivation? The Power of Words

Everyone is motivated by different things, one of the effective ways that motivate a person whether by Words. The Power of Words  The Words shape your actions, they determine what you do next. The Bible tells us that the tongue has holds the power to death and life because they produce words. Words that give life Words that encourage someone to prosper Words that make one work hard Words that Gives you Energy Words that lift up your spirit Words that keep you focused on. The same words can be used to take life from you. The same Words can discourage you The Words that Keeps you in the house. The Words that keep you down The Words that kill your vision The Words that Distracts you Choose your Words carefully Use Your Words for Power Use Your Words for Wisdom Use Your Words for Encouragement Use Your Words Wisely. #WordsThatWorks The Truth Teller