If you are not making passive income online, i mean making money online then what are you doing? The best thing about making money online is that you can work while watching TV on your sofa. is easy and simple.
Simply trade your time for money.
Extra time= extra money...are you willing to go extra mile???
Check the below' one of the easy ways i make money online.
G2 Review
G2 review is a platform that pays you for reviewing company products, the review will be between 5 min- 10 minutes, depending on how fast you are but there is no hurry. Remember to be honest when you are reviewing products otherwise they will stop sending you mails to reviews some products.
G2 review will pay from from $10 for every product you review, prizes vary. but mostly you will get either a visa gift card, Starbucks gift card or amazon gift card.
- You need only to have a LinkedIn account that shows that you are a relevant reviewer.
- A business email address
- Ensure that you are a user of the product you are reviewing because the review requires a screenshot of you logged in.
Make good use of your time, by trading it for extra cash.
I have been making $10 every week from G2 alone. You can do and more, give a go and let me know in the comments how it helped you. See Proof below;
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